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Rezensionen zu: ETEC LED PARTYBAR 1 COB RGB inkl. Stativ und Fernbedienung

ETEC LED PARTYBAR 1 COB RGB inkl. Stativ und Fernbedienung
Bewertung:| Autor: Tony| Datum: 11.07.2019
Rezensionen zu: ETEC LED PARTYBAR 1 COB RGB inkl. Stativ und Fernbedienung
I believe this light is the best you can get for this price. The other low price lights are all much lower in power, most of them don't have full height stands, and some of them don't allow for individual DMX control for each light, like this one does.
You do need to buy some bags (I found bags for about 25 euro), and this doesn't include a footswitch like some others do, but I still think this is the brightest and the best quality light you can get at this price, and that is what matters.
For the money, this is a really great product.